Friday, January 12, 2018

Winter Reindeer stock

Reindeer and people have a connection that is thousands of years old. First by hunting, then through domestication and herding. One strong connection is with the Sámi people of the north. Sámi reindeer herders are nomadic and move with their reindeer herds between winter and summer pastures. While driving in Lapland you might get stuck in traffic behind a heard, just have patients.

Then and now: 
The Sámi people lived and worked in “siiddat” (reindeer herding groups) and reindeer where used for transport, milk and meat production. The Siida is a community system and can be defined as a working partnership where the members had individual rights to resources but helped each other with the management of the herds, or with hunting and fishing. 
So in the theme of working together lets learn how to use all the bits from this animal. 

Bone stock:

Prep, 10 min 
Cooking time, 7 hours (5 inactive)
Reindeer bones
Tomato pure 
2 white onions 
4 carrots 
4 celery stalks 
1 garlic flower

Bouquet garni 
10 Black peppercorns 
5 bay leaves
3 cloves 
1 cinnamon stick
1leak leaf to create the pocket

  1. Set the oven to 200 Celsius (400 Fahrenheit) 
  2. Spread out bones on foiled oven tray and paint the bones with tomato pure
  3. Cut the mirepoux veggies in half and spread them out with the bones.
  4. Place in oven and roast for 1 hour
  5. Once roasted find a heavy bottom pot that fits the bones and veggies with a bit of space at the top. Add the bouquet garni and any other veggie bits you have lying around (I keep a box in the freezer for bits) cover with water and bring to a boil. 
  6. As the water starts to heat up a foam will start to build on the edges, the "impurities". Just grab a spoon and a bowl of water to skim this away. Once you have done it a few times ( first 5 min)it should be fine. Top off the water, lower to a simmer and let cook for 4-6 hours. Topping off the water once it gets low the first 2 hours.  

7. Strain out the solids and return to the stove, reduce by 1/3, at this point you add salt and pepper to your liking. Put in ice trays and freeze into cubes overnight. pop them out add to box or bag and return to freezer and use when you like in the about you like. Great for sauces that will go on meats (reindeer roast?) or soups. 

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